Friday, February 24, 2012

Happy Friday!

We had a very busy, exciting short week! Time flies when you're having fun!  This week, we talked about adding -ed to the end of words when we are talking about something that happened in the past. We learned when to double the final consonant and when to leave it the way it is. Ask your child if they can tell you the rule.  We continued talking about words with the "long e" sound and continued talking about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Students had very interesting questions about George Washington and good old Abraham Lincoln! We completed a math review activity today to get ready for the test on Monday. I think we are going to rock this math test! I don't like giving tests on Mondays; however, I don't want us to fall behind.

Next week, we will be celebrating Dr. Seuss' birthday. Feel free to send Dr. Seuss books in with your child. Please write your last name on the inside of the cover so we can make sure the books are returned to their proper owners!

We have some fun projects coming up in the near future. If you have extra cotton balls or Band-Aides at home, feel free to send them our way!

Enjoy your weekend!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

It is such a special day to be a teacher! I feel so blessed to spend the day with my 22 valentines! :-) We read the story, Will You Be My Valenswine? and completed several Valentine's Day themed academic activities. The PFA was kind enough to provide a heart cookie for all of the students! I can't wait to have students pass out their valentines later today! I still remember doing this when I was in school.  I'm sure most of you do as well!

Have a wonderful night!!! 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Hundredth Day!

We had a great time celebrating hundredth day yesterday! When students walked in, they were instructed to find 4 Hershey Kisses that were hidden around the classroom.  We kept track of the 100 Hershey Kisses on a 100's chart.  Students read 100 words with partners, rolled the dice to tally numbers up to 100, built towers with 100 Dixie Cups, and made pictures of what they will look like when they are 100 years old! We still need to finish doing our writing.  Some students were pretty convincing as senior citizens! I was very impressed with their costumes!

Today, we continued talking about the numbers up to 100 in math and talked about the long u sound.  Please continue to practice counting to 100 by 2's, 5's, and 10's.

Students have a day off tomorrow! It sounds like they may have some snow to play with!

Have a wonderful evening! 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Happy Groundhog Day! (Yesterday!)

Yesterday, we talked about groundhogs and discussed the burrows they hibernate in. We created our own burrows and wrote about them. One student added a disco ball to his burrow! We had elevators, hot tubs, and food courts in many burrows! One burrow even  had a security system!

Monday is 100th day. I look forward to it each year. We are going to make pictures of what we will all look like when we are 100. Eating 100 pieces of cereal together will be great fun and I have many other fun surprise activities! I sent home a letter today telling students to bring 100 pieces of their favorite cereal, 100 items of their choice, and dress like they will look when they are 100! Suggestions are provided in the letter. I may add a little baby powder to my hair to make it look gray.  This should be a really fun day!

Don't forget about sending in money for the American Cancer Society "Daffodil Days." What an amazing organization and event!

 I need to get my lesson plans finished and get home! Have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

We had a wonderful day in first grade today! Students wrote a letter to Punxsutawney Phil (say that ten times fast!) telling him what he misses out on while he is sleeping! One student told him that he is missing her dad's birthday! We made predictions as to whether or not Phil will see his shadow in the morning. I am crossing my fingers!

Don't forget about the donations for the American Cancer Society. What a wonderful cause!

I finally updated Spelling City, so give it a visit! :-)

Poor Mrs. Allen is still out sick. I am hoping she is able to come back tomorrow.