Friday, March 30, 2012

Happy Friday!

We had a very busy week and are getting ready to start yet another busy, fun week! I can't wait for next week. It is so much fun to have time to review concepts we have been learning through the use of games and seasonal activities! Students will be reviewing the long vowel spelling patterns and taking dictation quizzes to demonstrate their knowledge of the patterns. We have some fun stations ahead as well as a few interesting writing projects! Next week we will be taking the Unit 5 Skills Test since we have completed Unit 5. Where is the time going? Our spelling test will consist of 10 of the 15 sight words listed on the First Grade Preview. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of students knowing how to spell their sight words this year and in years to come!

My favorite "spring" activity of all time is having students fill eggs and seeing if we are able to guess what happens to be inside the egg. We will get to complete this activity on Wednesday.  On Monday, I can't wait to see students dress "foolishly." I have a couple of April Fool's Day tricks up my sleeve!

Don't forget about the Book Order that is due on Wednesday!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Money, Money, Money, Money!

We started our chapter that covers money yesterday. We were counting on with nickels and pennies. Today, we are counting dimes.  Please continue to practice counting by 1's, 5's, and 10's. It would be beneficial to practice going from counting by 10's to 5's to 1's with your child. For example, students may have to add three dimes, two nickels, and four pennies. They would say, "10, 20, 30, 35, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44."  Eventually, we will be counting on from quarters! Practice starting at 25 and counting on by tens, fives, and ones.  Put a stack of coins on the table and tell your child to hunt for all of the dimes or all of the quarters. Students seem to confuse nickels and quarters often.

We have been discussing the concepts of reducing, reusing, and recycling! If the rain comes as they have predicted, you could work on reusing some garbage you have around your house!

Have a wonderful first full weekend of spring!


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy Spring!

What a beautiful day we have been blessed with! I am hoping this weather sticks around a while longer!

Today we continued talking about compound words.  As you read with your child, draw attention to compound words from time to time. This will help students retain this concept.

We wrote in our journals about what we would do if we had a pet dinosaur. Students had to use adjectives to make the sentences more interesting.  Needless to say, I had a few chuckles while editing journals today!

Don't forget to study for the math test tomorrow! I know it will be difficult to stay on task with this beautiful weather! Hopefully everyone will get the chance to go outside!

If you have shoe boxes at home, please send them to school with your child. I only have three shoe boxes right now.  I may be taking a trip to buy some new shoes! :-) Obviously I'm kidding! We'll just wait to do the project until we collect enough shoe boxes!

I hope you've had a great first day of spring!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

We have had a very busy, yet fun couple of days! Yesterday, we set made traps and left them out for the leprechaun.  Unfortunately, we were not able to trap him; however, he messed our room up and left golden chocolate for us! He messed up our room and wrote a message on the chalkboard. He is a sneaky little guy!

We thought about a thing that is green.  Students wrote clues on a shamrock and we had to guess what "green thing" they were describing!

If you have shoe boxes at home, please send them to school! We are going to make dioramas and need a shoe box for each child.

Have a wonderful weekend! I hope you are able to get out and enjoy this fabulous weather!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

New Math Review Website

If you go to, you can find some good review activities for first grade math concepts. If your child is advanced, you could go to an older great level to find review activities.  I will post the link on the side of the blog as well!

I hope you are all getting the opportunity to enjoy this beautiful weather!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Check out the "Family Times" that is sent home on Mondays. It has some great review activities that you could complete with your child. I use some of the activities in class to reinforce the new skills.

Today in math we were sorting by shape, size, and color.  Before completing our math activity, students were divided into three groups. The groups had to decide how they would sort themselves. It was fun for the rest of us to guess how they were sorted.  It took us a long time to figure out that one group was sorted based on whether or not their front teeth were missing! This was VERY creative! 

Thank you to everyone who came and read to the class. The kids had a wonderful time listening to a variety of stories and getting some insider information about your children! :-)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Dr. Seuss, Seussy Synonyms, Contraction Surgery, Accelerated Reader

I am so sorry that it has been a while since I have posted! We have been very busy completing various learning activities and there is a lot to write about!

We have been learning about contractions. On Thursday, we selected a "patient" and cut apart the letters. We stitched them back together in order to make contractions. Some letters had to disappear while an apostrophe filled in the empty spaces.  I took some cute pictures of your little doctors with masks and gloves. Students were extremely excited about this activity and we will be doing it again in the near future!

Friday was Dr. Seuss Day! We have read several Dr. Seuss books and completed several activities related to his books. We completed rhyming activities, completing a "Seussy Synonyms" game, played "I Have, Who Has" with our sight words, and made Thing 1 and Thing 2 with our handprints! We topped the day off with a "Green Eggs and Ham" themed snack. It was quite a fun day.

This class has done an excellent job using the Accelerated Reader program! I am amazed with their accuracy in taking quizzes as well as their enthusiasm toward the program.  It is exciting to see their growth in the area of reading comprehension as they practice reading stories and answering questions related to the stories!